Explore WpBookingly Plugin
A complete WordPress Booking Solution for WooCommerce
Explore Awesome Demos
Salon & Spa Booking
Explore seamless bike rental through our interactive demo..
Car Wash Booking
Explore seamless Car rental through our interactive demo.
Car Rental Booking
Explore seamless SportKits rental through our interactive demo.
Repair Service Booking
Explore seamless Motor Bike rental through our interactive demo .
Medical Service Booking
Explore seamless Equipment rental through our interactive demo.
Musical Class Appointment
Explore seamless Boat rental through our interactive demo.
What do you get with the WordPress booking plugin for salon? All you need to manage your salon properly.
- Maximize your customer potential by Online booking
- Enhance the online reservation experience
- Increase revenue with no extra fees
- Integrate additional services
- Personalize your booking website in any language
- Build up email lists for effective email marketing in your salon.
- Ready to be translated into any language.
- Style booking widget layout, colors, & fonts.
- Sell your time and take online bookings on your service booking
- Keep track of all your orders and booking
- Set up real-time availability calendars.
- Customer notifications by setting up SMS, whatsapp and email messages.
- Allow for multiple reservations in one time booking.
For all types of interactions and actions, you’ll find ready-to-use support in BookingPress.

What our clients say
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